Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Amazing 3D Pencil Drawings Pop Out of the Page

While studying architectural design, Syrian artist Muhammad Ejleh uses his personal time to produce mind-boggling illustrations that creatively break the boundaries of a two-dimensional plane. His incredibly deceiving 3D drawings are so effectively produced that it's hard to believe there isn't some photo manipulation involved. Using a few basic materials (like a sketchpad and pencils), Ejleh is able to blow the viewer's mind with his skillfully crafted sketches.
The 20-year-old student, who clearly has a gift for drawing three-dimensional anamorphic illusions, manages to create little worlds with characters and architecture seemingly popping out of the page. He masterfully constructs a visual sense of depth and texture within each image, which can take up to 8 hours to complete. Ejleh even playfully mixes realistic renderings with flat illustrations (like his zebra drawing) to further fool the mind into thinking a sketch is coming to life. The talented young artist refers to his growing collection of work as The 2D isn't Enough Project.
For more 3D pencil drawings, you can also check out the work of Nagai Hideyuki and Fredo.


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